• 定年男子のランとマネー

One mostly cloudy day in July, my wife and I were walking along the Akame 48 Falls where is located at the west end of Mie Prefecture.

Just before the entrance to the road of falls, we could see a welcoming picture of ninjya and, at the entrance, we saw big salamanders alive in the Salamander House.

A big salamander is in there

Yes, this valley is famous for ninjya training in the past and inhabiting salamanders at present.

Several minutes walking after entering the valley, we encountered the Fudo Fall.

Fudo Fall–people came to worship the fall

The name of this fall came from a fierce manifestation of the buddha Dainichi Nyorai.

Before Meiji Era, people came up to this fall for worship, and only mountain ascetics had been permitted to enter further for their practice of asceticism.

Big rocks are located disorderly

Now we are permitted to go further up to the end of the valley with a little bit tough walking.

Beautiful valley

We needed to walk 4 km to go and the same road to come back along with the river.

Many small falls

But the valley provides various walkways to enjoy its beautiful scenery with more ups and downs if you want to enjoy more.

The second fall we could encounter was Senju Fall.

Thousand hands Fall (Senju Fall)

Senju means thousand hands in Japanese.

It looks that water falls shows thousand hands.

Then we could find Nunobiki Fall.

Silky stream fall (Nunobiki Fall)

Water flows like silky streams very fast.

As it was a cloudy and slightly rainy day, we saw increased water flowing through the river and falls.


The river itself has variety of faces to impress us.

We inhaled serene air and exhaled contaminated breath so that trees and water would filtrate them and change to serene air again.

Serene air

While walking along continuous walls, we found fall of the rainfall.

Drops of water over our head

Water came down from over our head.

The riverside view has been also mysterious.


Big rocks laid down disorderly with lots of moss-grown.

I suppose this area is usually full of water and moisture.

There remained couple of falls with interesting names, such as Ninai Fall and Biwa Fall.

Look like a man carry a burden on his shoulder (Ninai Fall)

I am not sure where those names had come from, but those are beautiful and exciting falls worthy to be visited, I believe.

Similar to a constellation, ancient people had vivid imagination to nature and tried to give animal and God names to stars and also religious and sometimes funny names to rocks and falls.

Due to the COVID-19 influence, I think, not many people have visited the valley.

We could have sufficient social distance and enjoyed walking and seeing falls.

Elegant stream

After returning to the gate, we had a late lunch at the souvenir shop near the entrance and drove back to our house,

Lucky to have a good day!


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